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Add category as a sort option for goals

Users can sort goals on the My Goals page and My Goals section of the Home page in various ways such as by description, due date, status, and so on. If you want users to be able to sort by category, you must enable this option.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Performance Planning, select Manage Plan Rules.
  2. Click the plan rule name you want to edit.
  3. In the Goal Layout Configuration XML section, find this XML statement:

    <GoalField type="Category" required="true" width="100%" sortable="false" />

  4. If you want users to be able to sort by category on:
    • My Goals page, change the XML statement to this:

    <GoalField type="Category" required="true" width="100%" sortable="false" views="GoalList" />

    • My Goals section of the Home page, change the XML statement to this:

    <GoalField type="Category" required="true" width="100%" sortable="false" views="HomePage" />

    • Both the My Goals page and My Goals section of the Home page, change the XML statement to this:

    <GoalField type="Category" required="true" width="100%" sortable="false" views="GoalList HomePage" />

  5. Click Save.