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Manage plan rules

The Manage Plan Rules screen allows Client Administrators to add and edit plan rules. In addition, goal plans are launched through the Manage Plan Rules page.

Plan rules contain all of the business rules and configurations for the goal plan launched against it including the plan period, category set, email and narrative sets, approval level, goal weight range, goal layout XML, and plan tasks configuration.

Plan rules are tied to plan periods. To delete a plan rule, you must delete the plan period.

It is important to remember that each plan rule is uniquely tied to a plan period. Before creating a new goal plan, it is necessary to review the category sets and add a new plan period.

Many customers will work with their Implementation Consultants to add and launch goal plans.

In this section

Add a new plan rule

Edit a plan rule

Add category as a sort option for goals

Archive a plan rule

Restore an archived plan rule