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Manage password configuration

The Manage Password Configuration page allows Client Administrators to define password criteria including complexity, length, expiration and login attempts.

Follow these steps to manage password configuration.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Content Management, select Manage Password Configuration.
  2. Changes can be made to the follow criteria:
    • Complexity. Use the drop-down menu and check boxes to define the password complexity (must contain and cannot contain).
    • Length. Define the maximum and required password length.
    • Login Attempts and Account Locking. Define the number of login attempts and number of minutes the account is locked.
    • Expiration. Set the password expiration.
    • Repeating. Define the number of passwords before repeating.
  3. After making password updates, click Save.

In this section

Password complexity

Password length

Account locking

Password expiration

Password repeating