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Appraisals overview

An appraisal is a performance measurement tool. It provides managers and employees a way to measure skills and accomplishments in an accurate and uniform way. Performance appraisals are often used to help employees evaluate their work progress. Promotions, bonuses, and training needs are often based on information in an appraisal.

In Rival WingSpan, you can create and manage year-end and interim employee appraisals. The information gathered is stored in a central repository, which provides managers with accurate, comprehensive, and timely data for employee reviews. Each step of the appraisal process is accompanied by a series of emails that notifies the recipient of next step in the appraisal process.

As the Client Administrator, you initially need to create a date interval and a workflow template before you can launch appraisals for your organization. The date interval is the appraisal period and the workflow template includes the steps in the appraisal process. You many choose to have several date intervals and workflows to best meet the needs of your organization. Once you have generated your date intervals and workflows, you can begin launching appraisals.

The appraisal process workflow includes the following steps:

Step 1: Add a Date Interval.

Step 2: Create a Workflow Template.

Step 3: Launch an Appraisal Workflow.

Once you have created date intervals and workflow templates, you can launch additional appraisals using your saved criteria.