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Create a training event start notification

  • The training event start notification is triggered based on the defined start date for the training event. For example, an administrator can send a message notification reminding all students in a particular class of the start date, one week before the class is to begin.
  1. From the navigation bar, click Enterprise>Community>Notifications.

    The Notifications page opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Notifications Properties page opens.

  3. On the Notifications Properties page, from the Event drop-down box, select Training Event Start.
  4. In the Name text box, type the name for the event.
  5. Select the Enabled check box.
  6. Under Notification Period in the Time text box, type the unit of time.
  7. From the Units drop-down box, select Days or Hours.
  8. From the When drop-down box, select Before or After.
  9. Click To. The Message Recipient window opens.
  10. Select the radio button of one of the following:
    • System Recipient (students that are part of the class roster), then select a system recipient form the drop-down box.
    • User Defined Recipient (custom users), then type the display name in the Display Name text box and type the email address that is associated with the display name in the Email text box.
  11. Click Set Recipient to add the System Recipient or Defined Recipient to the Message Recipient Entries list.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click From.

    The Message Sender window opens.

  14. In the Display Name text box type the name of the person the message is being sent from.
  15. In the Email text box, type the email address that is associated with the Display Name.
  16. Click Set Sender to add the Display Name and Email to the Message Sender Entries list.
  17. Click Save.
  18. Under Message Options from the Language drop-down box, select a language.
  19. From the Format drop-down box, select the format.
  20. Click Create/Edit Message to create the notification message. The Notification Message Properties window opens.
  21. In the Subject text box, type the subject of the message.
  22. In the Message text box, type the notification message.
  23. From the Objects drop-down boxes, select an object from the first drop-down then select the appropriate database field from the second drop-down.
  24. Click Insert.
  25. Click Save.
  26. Click Add to add the notification.