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Course catalog

A course catalog provides students with a list of available training courses for an organization. It can contain both internal training items as well as external eCommerce training items for purchase. An organization can have more than one course catalog. A SilkRoad Learning administrator creates and maintains course catalogs on the Course Catalog page in the Administration Portal. Students access and view course catalogs in the Student Portal.

A course catalog contains course catalog items, which are either eCourses or training activities. Only active course catalog items appear in a course catalog.

A course catalog can be available to all users or restricted by membership. When membership is assigned to a course catalog, only users who match the membership criteria can view items in the course catalog.

In this section

Course Catalogs page

Course Catalog page

Add (create) a course catalog in SilkRoad Learning

Add a course catalog item to a course catalog

Remove a course catalog item from a course catalog

Change a course catalog

Inactivate a course catalog

Delete a course catalog